This week in morning worship, we examined Ephesians 2:1-3, where Paul provides insight into the spiritual condition of the natural man—dead in sin. Paul was a Pharisee and, by his own account, was blameless in terms of righteousness under the law prior to his conversion (Phil. 3:6). Yet, despite his adherence to the law, he states that he was merely living in the passions of the flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and mind (Eph. 2:3).
The natural man may take delight in self-righteous, Pharisaical religion because it fills him with pride and self-esteem. Similarly, he may embrace Christian liberalism, hoping that his sins are forgiven without Spirit-wrought contrition and true repentance. It is not uncommon for the natural man to be drawn to Pharisaical religion or Christian liberalism. However, he is never drawn to the Jesus of the Bible. The biblical gospel rejects both self-righteousness and spiritual apathy.
God alone draws men to Himself and transforms them into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Has He drawn you? Do you reject any righteousness in yourself? Do you love the righteousness of Christ and pursue holiness in Him? May we cling to the cross and plead with the Spirit for a greater desire to please Jesus.